Mathilde Ramadier was born in the late 1980s in a small village in the Southeast of France. Growing up with Anaïs Depommier, they can't do enough sleepovers from one's house to the other. Inseparable at school, they spend their weekends building huts in the bush, watching the gendarmes go by, playing "Mouse Stampede" on a Macintosh Classic, and reading many comics. When it becomes time to prepare for the entrance exam to art school, they meet later in the evenings at the painter Jean-Michel Pétrissans' workshop in Valence.
Mathilde Ramadier began her studies at the National School of applied arts and crafts. Then she moved away from graphics to study aesthetics and psychoanalysis. She completed her studies with a masters in philosophy at the prestigious Ecole Normale Superieure. For four years, she has also been running a weekly program on electronic music on Radio Campus Paris. Mathilde now lives in Berlin, where she writes about philosophy in general, sociology and ecology in particular.
Mathilde Ramadier