MARCH 2025


Thierry LamyNicolas Finet (writers) & various artists

Here is the can't-miss overview of the punk rock scene from its early inception in the seventies in New York and the UK. Includes chapters on The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, and more. Punk was also the flex point for women in rock like Siouxsie and the Banshees, Blondie, The Runaways, Patti Smith and The Slits that paved the way for the Riot Grrrl movement. 

Flashing the finger against the slick corporate rock of the '70s, punk was faster, messier, and louder than anything before it. Covered here with the same raw energy, look, and attitude as the music itself!

7 ½ x 10, 176pp., full color HC, $27.99
ISBN 9781681123509

eBook: $16.99
ISBN 9781681123516

PUBLICATION DATE: March 18, 2025

APRIL 2025


To The Heart of Solitude


What pushed John Muir to become the pioneering environmentalist and founder of the Sierra Club?

1867: A sawmill is running at full speed with a terrible noise when suddenly, workers run to rescue a man on the ground. He has seriously injured his eyes. John Muir is twenty-nine years old and has to be confined in a dark room: it is likely that he may remain blind. But miraculously, after months of an almost mystical convalescence, he regains his sight.

This episode convinces him he's going to leave everything behind and embrace his lifelong dream: head south to meet the wilderness. Armed with only his courage, his youth, a magnifying glass and a botanical book, he treks hundreds of miles on foot from Indiana to Florida. Imagine an almost pristine wilderness, where only a few dangerous ex-soldiers from the South and former slaves thrown out of the old plantations roam…

This biography also covers his other life-changing pioneering trek along the Sierra Nevada Trail which now bears his name. Here, in breathtaking vistas, is the inspiration he got to found the Sierra Club, create the first national parks, and become one of America’s first and foremost environmentalist champions.

Exquisitely rendered in a sepia tone.

8 ½ x 11, 176pp., B&W HC, $24.99
ISBN 9781681123523

ebook: $16.99
ISBN 9781681123530

PUBLICATION DATE: April 15, 2025

MAY 2025


Bitcoin, NFT and Other Curiosities

Daniel Villa Monteiro (writer), Nicolas Balas (art)

Dive with Alice into the mysterious and controversial world
of cryptocurrencies.

We are on the eve of Covid confinement when the young woman received
an inheritance from her grandmother and wonders what to do with this money that
her banker wants to invest for her.

By chance, she discovers that parallel currencies open the
door to another world. Misunderstood by her family and friends, she nevertheless
threw herself into it wholeheartedly.

Her online comics on her experience make her quite the
influencer, explaining crypto’s intricacies in simple terms but with eyes wide
open as to its dangers. We even travel with her to El Salvador, the first
country to accept Bitcoin as a national currency, and its cryptocurrency farms,
to understand the power and perils of Bitcoin, NFTs, blockchains and other

6 ½ x 9, 104 pg., full color HC, $22.99
ISBN 9781681123554

e-book: $9.99
ISBN 9781681123561


JULY 2025


A Comics Biography

Stephen Weiner (writer), Dan Mazur (art)

Explore the life of Will Eisner, one of the most influential artists in the history of comics through the most appropriate medium: a graphic novel! From his immigrant roots and childhood in New York, starting his own comics studio and business, and the creation and publication of his beloved comic, The Spirit, through popularizing the term “graphic novel” as the result of trying to convince a general trade publisher to publish the groundbreaking A Contract with God, you’ll follow along in Eisner’s life journey.

With the most prestigious comics awards named after him, Will Eisner is forever celebrated not only in what he created but his unerring belief in comics’ capacity to be better, to reach higher, to be a full art form in its own right. This is the life of this man of vision who helped to put comics on the map.

Includes an afterword by Jeff Smith (Bone, RASL, Tüki)!

6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 300pp. full color hardcover, $29.99
ISBN 9781681123578

e-book: $19.99
ISBN 9781681123585