Bernard Chambaz (writer), Barroux (art)
"I hate marathons. Hate running. An hour before the start, I received a text. Instead of 'Good luck,' it was 'We're finished.' So, I went to a bar next to the subway on 96th. Had a few bourbons with some other mope. Then I got on a bike and took off down the old Lincoln Highway."
Forget Route 66. This is the original cross-country highway that takes you through REAL America, the first to cross all of the US from the Big Apple to the City on the Bay. This is THE road trip. On a 750cc bike.
"It’s one of those books that exists to encourage the reader to imagine, to engage, to contemplate their own experiences even as we experience those of the narrators. And as such, it works well, each contemplative moment of the page triggering thoughts in my mind about moments in my own life. Hopefully, it will do the same for yourself."
-Richard Bruton,
"750cc Down Lincoln Highway reminds me a lot of postcards, but it gives them a purpose by providing them with a context-specific to Chambaz’s motivation for the journey."
"One of the most anticipated graphic novels of Winter 2020."
"Like a Gallic Jim Jarmusch road movie (though shorter), this slim motorcycle diary has its moments."
-Publishers Weekly
8x11, 88pp. B&W trade paperback, $12.99
ISBN 9781681122458
Buy the ebook: $8.99
ISBN 9781681122465