Punk Rock in Comics

Thierry Lamy, Nicolas Finet (writers) & various artists

Here is the can't-miss overview of the punk rock scene from its early inception in the seventies in New York and the UK. Includes chapters on The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, and more. Punk was also the flex point for women in rock like Siouxsie and the Banshees, Blondie, The Runaways, Patti Smith and The Slits that paved the way for the Riot Grrrl movement. 

Flashing the finger against the slick corporate rock of the '70s, punk was faster, messier, and louder than anything before it. Covered here with the same raw energy, look, and attitude as the music itself!


"Right from the start you can feel the energy."
- Richard Vasseur, First Comics News

"[A] deep dive into the crazed career of the ultimate cosmic explorers and rebellious cultural pioneers...visually actualising vividly vocal and vociferous key moments in really recent history…"
- Win WIacek, Now Read This!

"This kaleidoscopic approach fits a phenomenon with multiple geographic and stylistic threads, and thoughtful matching of artists to subjects help make Punk Rock in Comics perhaps the strongest volume [of the NBM music "in Comics" series] so far."
- Graham Johnstone, The Slings & Arrows

7 ½ x 10, 176pp., full color HC, $27.99
ISBN 9781681123509

Buy the ebook: $16.99
ISBN 9781681123516
